INN CAMMINO - Trilogia

A musical pilgrimage

Klangspuren Schwaz 2013

A musical pilgrimage in three stations along the Inn for a polyphonic nine-voice choir, Via-Nova Choir Munich

Premiered at the international festival Klangspuren Schwaz near Innsbruck 2013

The ‘Inn Cammino – Trilogia’ sets the qualities of the individual ‘way of the pilgrim’ in the context of a waterway: groundwater, often present but unseen underground for years, penetrates through to the surface as a spring, flows through countries, connects continents, and evaporates again.

Early in the morning, the festival audience begins its hike on the ‘Way of St. James’ along the Inn River. In the course of the day, encounters take place with three musical-visual pilgrim stations: ‘Inn Cammino’ for a polyphonic nine-voice choir, ‘Carena’ for a soloist and Son-Icons sculpture and ‘Onde’ as a sound installation with vibrating resonating strings in the chapel of Robben.

The three stages form a unity and trace a path within a path, a self-contained three-part work, which at the same time sees itself as an element of a larger whole. In the three phases of ‘Inn Cammino – Trilogia’, the choir leads the walkers on a path that detaches the individual from the group and brings them to their inner self, which then reconnects them to the whole.


The Son-Icons sculpture extended into a Y shape, hovers in an approximation of an imaginary divining rod in the forest clearing near the Inn and vibrates in the wind.
Thanks to the Cassinelli-Vogel Foundation and Pro Helvetia for the composition commission.