Hetero Topos

installation & room-score

Germany - Switzerland – 2015

For string quintet, voices, and Son-Icons spatial score with Interaction Notation IAN, 2015

Two worlds of sound meet. While the string quartet is traditionally tuned in fifths, the solo viola sounds with a scordatura (G-sharp, g, c-sharp' g-sharp'). In theory, these pitches result from the rotation of the moon, the earth, and the earth around the sun. Rotational sounds of celestial bodies can be made audible to the human ear in astrophysics through sonification.

The essence is invisible to the ear - unless the eye can hear too. The Son-Icons are also coloured according to the rotational sounds. Every tone vibration can become a colour vibration if transposed far enough through the octaves. (Rotation of the moon g-sharp-light yellow / earth g-orange red / earth around sun c-sharp-ultramarine blue, all with tuning tone 132 Hz.). The galactic meets the earth, the people, and their instruments through colour and sound. Michel Foucault speaks of heterotopias - other places. They also bring together spaces in the same location that are in fact incompatible. In the installation and spatial score ‘Hetero Topos’, the audience experiences a sonic, colour, and scenic-spatial convergence.


Premiered with Ensemble Horizonte at the Fest der Musik 2015. Exhibition at the Hangar in Detmold 2015, Swiss tour 2016, solo exhibition at the Gallery da Mihi 2016.
Thanks to the Cassinelli-Vogel Foundation, Ensemble Horizonte and Pro Helvetia for the composition commission.