RESONANCES for Orchestra

Comprovisation with Conduction for Orchestra

London 2019

For Orchestra & movable Son-Icons Score conceived and conducted by Charlotte Hug


Premiered in September 2019 at St Mary's Church, London with the London Improvisers Orchestra - Duration 11 min.

«Resonance is not a feeling but a mode of relating.»
Hartmut Rosa

According to Rosa, resonance only arises when we encounter somebody or something which has something to say to us and speaks with its own voice.

Making these distinct voices audible within the overall sound of the orchestra is both a contradiction and a vision. To create a cosmos of multiple sounds that speak, sing, ring out, listen, and have something to say to each other in their distinct voices - that is the challenge of this piece for the London Improvisers Orchestra.

Through acceleration and extreme deceleration on very different levels and parameters (pulse, vibrato, change of tone, flow of breath, etc.), the axes of resonance and the resonance strings create completely new oscillations.  When resonance occurs, fleetingly, unpredictably, it has a transformative power and reveals something new.

«If acceleration is the problem, then perhaps resonance is the solution.»
Hartmut Rosa

«Resonances for Orchestra» brings this attitude to life in real time.


Graphite & ink on semi-transparent foil 560x120cm. The circular spatial score, rotating at different paces, releases ever new combinations of visual stimuli. 2019