Solo exhibition in constant change

China - Switzerland 2017

An exhibition in constant change - Solo exhibition at the China Academy of Art Hangzhou 2017.


This solo exhibition with a room installation of Son-Icons opens up a constantly changing space of creation and thought. Son-Icons from Europe and new silk sculptures ‘bodies of sound’ which were created in China, generate ‘in between’ spaces. These ‘in between’ spaces will be brought to life with an intercultural symposium: solo performances, a collaboration and performance with the dancer Nunu Kong from Shanghai, Temporary SoniCalligraphy produced on a daily basis, the participation of students from the China Academy of Art, as well as the participation of the audience with Temporary Drawings and Calligraphy - drawings and writing with water on stone.

An artistic remix of the solo exhibition, the performances, the inter-cultural symposium at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, as well as formative film and audio sequences during Pro Helvetia's artist residency of several months in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hong Kong.


Symposium: music anthropologist Dr. Adele Jing Wang, philosopher Dr. Guang Yang, art historian Rémi Jarry
Dance: Nunu Kong & performance students of the Masterclass of the China Academy of Art,
Son-Icon space installation, performance, idea & concept: Charlotte Hug

Thanks to Pro Helvetia for the Artist Residency in China and SIMA Chinese Academy of Art Hangzhou